General Privacy Notice according to DS-GVO and BDSG (new)

for the Use of the Website

Effective 09.05.2018.


The firm digital worx doo (llc.) is the website operator of

The firm digital worx doo (llc.) Is a responsible authority in accordance with EU Basic Data Protection Privacy Policy and in compliance with the Federal Data Protection Act. Thereby is the firm responsible for the data processing and protection of personal data of the website digital worx doo (llc.) users (hereinafter: users) and the data of firm’s clients. Collection, processing and utilization of personal data by IT-systems used by the firm for website management is to be done in compliance with the currently applicable legislation.


  1. General information on the protection of personal data

We protect and secure your personal as well as all business related data continuously and in the best possible way.

We inform You at all times about all our procedures that involve processing and using Your individual private data (You being a concerned party) – (an E-mail to our data protection officer would suffice – dataprotectionofficer(at)

We inform You subsequently about Your rights linked  to the  individual processing steps (as listed in detail).

Personal data processed by us in connection with the use of the website are to be deleted, when

  • the intended purpose of use no longer exists
  • legally binding retention periods don’t exist or have expired

When unexpected events with personal data occur and damage to the user arises or can be expected, we inform the User immediately. We are thankful for any hint on disturbance or manipulation. Because even our IT-systems are vulnerable – like any other – despite highest levels of protection with the corresponding amount of effort.


  1. Information about individual processing operations

2.1 Processing of personal data within the framework of user requests

Personal data  (E-mail address, first and last name) collected in the framework of e-mail requests, say requests for information leaflets/offers on products and/or company services, are saved by digital worx doo (llc.) Optionally can the user state his form of address, title, address, phone number as well as information on a product and/or a company service or he can send an individual message in a form of user-defined text to digital worx doo (llc.)

  • These data are processed for the purpose of execution of the inquiry.
  • Personal data entered in the course of user registration are processed to enable the use of digital worx services, especially the contact function.

User rights in accordance with EU Basic Data Protection Privacy Policy:

The above outlined use of personal data by digital worx doo (llc.) can be objected to by the affected user at all times with effect for the future. To exercise the Right to appeal  (filing): see clause 3.

2.2     Processing of personal data within the framework of website use

  1. a) Access to the website

With each access to the website the internet browser utilized by the User submits user data, which is then being stored and processed in Log files on digital worx severs. Collected are the following data:


  • IP-Address (the address of the computer connected to the internet used for submitting the data files obtained by the website)
  • Website URL, from which the request is coming from
  • Date and time of the request
  • Content of the request (= specifically requested Webpage)
  • Success of the request (status report)
  • Session-ID (identification number of the use process)
  • Timezone difference to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
  • Data volume transferred
  • Browser utilized by the user (type, version, language)
  • Operating system of the user’s computer


With further data related to the User collected and stored at the access or host provider as the information on their client, these data can turn into person-related or rather personal data. These are submitted by mere usage (”surfing”), with storage time not exceeding a usual computational process period and whatever the purpose may be – are not to be evaluated in a personal context.

The purpose of these personal data being processed is to enable the User an efficient and secure use of the website.


  1. b) The use of Cookies

Digital worx doo (llc.) uses so-called Cookies  in order to recognize the user’s computer in the course of current and  following website usages, offer the User specific information and optimize website’s user-friendliness.

Cookies are text files about User behavior, that  are being saved (”set”) by the browser on the user’s computer and contain pseudonymised personal data.

Cookies are used by other teleservice providers, especially search engines or social media services.


Information regarding prevention of the use of Cookies:

When the user doesn’t want to allow the use of Cookies or wants to delete the existing ones, he can turn it off or delete them by using the respective function on his internet browser. In this case a limited operationality and user-friendliness of the website is to be expected.

Further information on deleting or preventing the use of Cookies can be found in help functions of the given internet browser or via search functions by searching phrases such as “deactivate cookies” or “delete cookies”.


  1. c) Use of analysis programs and tracking tools

For the purpose of website optimization, user behavior is being analyzed by specialized service providers using suitable procedures („Analysis-Tools, Tracking-Tools“).

Purposes of data processing are the following:

  • Troubleshooting and optimizing the page layout (graphic representation)
  • Collection and evaluation of the key figures on user-traffic and its distribution throughout different times of a day
  • Frequency and intensity of use („popularity“) of contents
  • Link usage and cursor movements

Google Analytics

Digital worx doo (llc.) utilizes web analysis service Google Analytics, a service of Google Inc. („Google“) for analyzing website usage. Cookies are used for this purpose. Information acquired by Cookies regarding digital worx website  usage (by users) are  normally transferred to a server in the USA and saved there. uses Google Analytics exclusively with the extension  „ga(‘set’, ‘anonymizeIp’, true)“ , so that IP addresses are further processed in an abbreviated form in order to prevent or exclude direct personal references.  By IP anonymisation the IP address is previously abbreviated within the Member States of the EU or in other signatory states of the Agreement of the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases is a full IP address transferred to a Google server in the USA and abbreviated there. The information Google acquired on behalf of  will be used to evaluate website usage, to provide reports about User activity on the website and to offer other services related to website and internet  usage. If necessary Google will  transfer such  information to a third party, provided it is legally required or if a third party is commissioned by Google to process it.


User rights according to EU  Basic Data Protection Privacy Policy:

Data processing by Google Analytics can be objected to by the affected user at all times with effect for the future. In addition to that the user has a possibility to install a browser plugin released by Google. These are available for different browser versions and can be downloaded at .


Social media plugins integration

The so-called social bookmarks (e.g. from Facebook and Twitter) are  integrated on Social bookmarks are internet bookmarks using which social media users can collect links and news reports. These are only integrated on  as links to corresponding services. After clicking the integrated graphic the user gets redirected to a page of the given provider, meaning that user information is not until then transmitted to the provider. Information on handling personal data while using these websites is to be extracted from the data protection regulations of the given provider.

Facebook (Share, Like etc.) uses on its website social plugins (“Plugins”) of the social network, run by  Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA (“Facebook”). The plugins are marked with a Facebook logo. When a user loads  website that contains such plugin, user’s browser establishes a direct connection with Facebook servers. The content of the plugin is directly transmitted by Facebook to the user’s browser and from there incorporated in the website.

By integrating the plugins Facebook receives information that the user has accessed corresponding page at  . If a user is logged on to Facebook, Facebook can assign this visit to his Facebook account.  When the user interacts with plugins,  for example clicks the “like” button or leaves a comment, the browser transmits given information directly to Facebook where the information is saved. Purpose and size of data collection, further data processing and usage by Facebook and corresponding rights and settings options for protecting the user’s privacy are to be extracted from Facebook’s data protection regulations (

Twitter also uses functions of the short message service Twitter, offered by  Twitter Inc., 795 Folsom Street, Suite 600, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA. By using Twitter functions, the websites visiited by the user are linked to his Twitter account and announced to other users. By doing so the data are also transmitted to Twitter. As provider of these pages digital worx has no knowledge of the type, size and content of the data transmitted. The user can edit his privacy settings in his Twitter account settings. Further information is to be extracted from Twitter’s  data protection regulations.


User rights according to EU  Basic Data Protection Privacy Policy:

To avoid user information being collected by social media plugin providers while visiting the website, the user can previously log out from social media provider and possibly delete potential Cookies of the provider from his browser (Instructions for deleting on  Microsoft Internet Explorer ( Instructions for deleting on  Mozilla Firefox ( Instructions for deleting on Safari ( 


  1. Rights of users concerned

Website users have the following rights, according to section  15 – 21 of the EU Basic Data Protection Privacy Policy:

  • Right of information pursuant to Art. 15 of the Basic Data Protection Privacy Policy.
  • Right of correction pursuant to Art. 16 of the Basic Data Protection Privacy Policy.
  • Right of erasure („Right to be forgotten“) pursuant to Art. 17 of the Basic Data Protection Privacy    Policy.
  • Right of processing limitation pursuant to Art. 18 of the Basic Data Protection Privacy Policy.
  • Right of data portability pursuant to Art. 20 of the Basic Data Protection Privacy Policy.
  • Right of appeal in accordance with the provisions of Art. 21 of the Basic Data Protection Privacy Policy.


For asserting the aforementioned rights an e-mail sent to dataprotectionofficer(at) would suffice

All information and all our activities according to the above regulations are – depending on the state of affairs and legal situation – generally free of charge and to be  provided or  performed  within normative deadlines.


  1. Information about the firm’s data protection officer

Our data protection officer is registered for this purpose by the competent authorities.

He is available for all questions relating to protection of personal data and can be contacted under the following e-mail address:



Belgrade, on 09.05.2018.